Engineering O&M

Automates the maintenance process of hospital’s assets and equipment including work requests, on demand tasks, preventive maintenance tasks, condition assessment, schedule and tracking work orders, organizing assets and managing inventory.

Manages the Hospital’s “Building Maintenance” & the tasks needed to take care of all the Building Systems

To keep the building functional, useful & safe for its Patients, the Engineering O&M oversees and maintains all the Building Systems of the Hospital, such as the Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing & Sanitary, Electronics, Fire Safety, Communications, and Effluent Treatment Plant required for its upkeep & preservation.

Manages the Maintenance and Upkeep of the Hospital’s High Value Equipment for “Uninterrupted 24×7 Use”

Engineering O&M tracks all the Hospital’s complex Medical Equipment & maintains them in optimal working condition through scheduled “Preventive Maintenance” and corrective “On Demand Maintenance”.

Engineering O&M has a unique “On-Call” App for 24×7 Maintenance Support demonstrating its commitment to keep all complex Medical Equipment running at all times.
The optimum utilization of the Hospital’s complex & expensive Medical Equipment provides the source of its Revenue that enables it to have a reasonable rate of Return on its Investment (ROI).

“Uses Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) for automated “Work Order” operations & Centralized Tracking of Maintenance Activities”

Engineering O&M’s “Computerized Maintenance Management System” is designed for an automated Operation of the scheduled Preventive Maintenance and corrective On-Demand Maintenance using the automated “Work Order”
for both Building Systems and separately for the Hospital’s Complex Medical Equipment.

CMMS provides a “Centralized Tracking” of Maintenance Activities that allows the Engineering Management to monitor all “Work Orders” issued and the Costs of each.

NOTIFICATION: An “ALERT” notifies the Engineering to prepare for a “scheduled” Preventive Maintenance using the Client-defined “Time Allowance” for Preparation of Procedures, Labor Assignments, Materials and Equipment & Tools to be used in the Work Order.

CMMS is responsive to mobile devices allowing Engineers & Technicians to view their Work Order Assignments in their Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop.

“Complies to the Environmental Requirements of RA No. 6969 the “Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990” thru regular monitoring of the Hospital’s ETP discharge”

Engineering O&M complies to the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 (RA No. 6969) that includes the submission to the Government of the continuous “Result of Laboratory Analysis” (ROLA) that monitors the pH level of sewage waste water.

The system also ensures that the Hospital’s treatment plant is in good working order by following proper and standard maintenance procedures for the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) processes such as Headworks, Primary Treatment, Secondary Treatment, Reclaimed Water, Solid Handling, and Digester Control.